About Whitefly (Trialeurodes Vaporariorum)
- Small (1/20"), white, moth-like insects
- Common in gardens and greenhouses and undersides of leaves
- Breeds rapidly
- They suck juices from fruit and leaves, which shrivel and turn brown.
Whiteflies are hardy and spray resistant. Seldom seen until host plant is disturbed, then they'll swarm about like a cloud of white gnats.
Strangely, they are intensely attracted to a certain spectrum of yellow and will abandon plants to land on these sticky traps.
- Protect plants from Whiteflies, Aphids, and other flying insects. Peel trap apart, reverse fold, sticky side out. Hang with supplied twist-tie from branch or stake at plant level. Place traps every seven feet or at end of each row.
- For badly infested plant, shake it gently and flies will swarm a few moments before they fly to your nearby trap like iron filings to a magnet.
- Thrips, leaf miners, gnats, fruitflies, leafhoppers and froghoppers are also attracted to these traps.
- Lasts all season, even in rain, or until completely coated with insects or dust.