The Octa-Bubbler is an eight-outlet, pressure compensating, low-flow irrigation device. Along with 8 flow-controlled swivel barbed outlets, it has a 1/2” FPT inlet thread base for installation on standard risers, and a backflow prevention device for added protection.
The Octa-Bubbler® is ideal for converting sprinkler systems to low flow, because it is designed to apply the amount of water the plants need during the time the sprinkler zone operates.
Primary Application: Designed for tree, shrub, flower and ground cover planting beds. This bubbler can be placed on spray head zones. Water is applied in the right quantity where needed with no waste.
The Pressure Compensating Diaphragm will deliver relatively uniform distribution of water across a wide pressure range of 20 PSI to 60 PSI.
Blue: 2 GPH . All flows are per outlet. Flow control devices are interchangeable.
Built-in backflow prevention device engineered for added protection. Each emitter delivers the flow rate as stated; total flow equals the stated flow times 8. Uses .170 I.D. Polyethylene or Vinyl distribution tubing which secures over the outlets by slipping it onto a barbed connector.
Emitter has a 1/2” FPT inlet base for connection to the lateral line.
Emitter is constructed of UV, sunlight-resistant, chemical-resistant, non-corrosive polypropylene material.
Designed to operate equally well above or below grade